TG241 S / M / L TG241 Description TG241 Features/Technical Data TG241 Downloads KARTSANA Compact Stretcher made of aluminium (Automatic Unfolding Legs System) KARTSANA-Mounts for Stretchers TG241 – TG244 more KARTSANA-Roll-In-Stretcher TG241 S / M / L DIN EN 1865/1789Compact Stretcher made of aluminium (Automatic Unfolding Legs System) adjustable backrest assisted by shock absorber single folding leg assisted by shock absorber 1 intermediate position 4 lockable wheels d=200 mm safety rails can be brought down lengthways folding intravenous drip stand belt kit for shoulder, abdomen and legs Aluminium tray equipped for carrying out cardiac massage 4 telescopic handles P359 mattressLoading hight: S / M / L 519 / 574 / 624 mmLength: 1951 mmWeight: 37 kgMax. load: 190kgWidth: 565 mm Technical specification Instruction manual TG241 Foto1 TG241 Foto2 TG241 Foto3